de Life - Q By DaVinci Blog Sat, 18 Jun 2022 12:19:13 +0000 en-US hourly 1 How to Choose Your Damas: 8 Steps Tue, 03 May 2022 08:47:51 +0000 Planning your big day is a special treat but who to choose...

The post How to Choose Your Damas: 8 Steps first appeared on Q By DaVinci Blog.

Planning your big day is a special treat but who to choose to stand beside you ? Our guide – How to Choose Your Damas: 8 Steps – can be a big help.

Having your damas beside you to share the excitement and joy of your big day really makes your Quinceanera something special. Choosing who those damas will be, though—that can prove to be tricky.

But selecting the ladies of your court does not need to devolve into a nightmare if you remember to balance your family’s wishes with your own and most importantly of all, keep a check on your emotions.

Here are our best tips for going about the process of choosing the coolest damas without losing your cool!


How to Choose Your Damas: 8 Steps

1. Don’t rush the decision

Tiny Buddha

Choosing damas is a little like choosing bridesmaids: Don’t move too fast!

You can plan all you want in your head, but until you sit down with your folks to find out how they see things—particularly in regard to the budget and who they want you to include—do the smart thing:

  • Get a little notebook
  • Start dreaming
  • Put those dreams on paper

But …

  • Don’t talk to anybody until you talk to your folks!


2. Choose Family First

Seventeen Magazine

Talk to your parents about any family members or relations they really want you to include.

Many Quinceañeras opt to “keep it in the family” and have no friends at all. Others just select two or three for the court.

The other important thing is to let you parents have the final say on the maximum size of your entourage. If they give you the go-ahead for the full 15, then have fun collecting damas! But if they ask you to limit your court, honor that.

If you honor your parents’ wishes first, it’ll all work out in the end—we promise!


How to Choose Your Damas: 8 Steps

3. Choose how many Damas you want

The size of your court will depend on some of the decisions you and your parents made in that preliminary meeting.

Tradition holds that a Quinceanera court consists of seven damas, seven chambelanes plus one male escort. But your parents may ask you to include only one or two family members.

If you can’t think of five or six more gal pals with whom to share your big day, just opt for a smaller court.


4. Next, choose your friends—on paper

Make a tentative list of who you think you’d like to ask.

  • You might also find it helpful to list the reasons why you want them in your entourage.

Tip: You might find it useful to “rank” your friends in order of how you want to ask them.

Then as you begin  the invitation process, if one of them says no, you can approach the next person on your list while giving yourself time to think of a different friend to invite.


5. Keep an open mind

You’ll find out soon enough that balancing different personalities and opinions can be a challenge.

  • None of your damas will agree on every single minute detail.
  • You do need to have girls in your court who will generally get along well together.
  • You will also have to listen to a few gripes now and then.

While you can’t control your family as much, you do have a little more control over your friends so this next suggestion should help you a lot.


How to Choose Your Damas: 8 Steps

6. Who Exactly to Invite? a Q & A Checklist

Your damas will need to step up and help you with the planning and preparations.

Don’t don’t stress yourself into being a Quincezilla.

You will have to include whatever family your parents ask you to invite, but before you put a friend on your list, ask yourself these questions:

  • Is she reliable?
  • Does she already help you calm down when you’re stressed?
  • Does she know how to let other people shine without trying to steal the show?
  • Is she really fun to be around or is she just funny—meaning goofy, silly and making people laugh?
  • Does she balance having fun with taking responsibility for home and school work and such?

The answers can be a little hard to handle if you’re honest, but this is what making adult decisions is all about: Honesty.

Remember, too, that just because your friend doesn’t make the cut to be a dama, she’s still invited to the party!


7. Be Prepared to hear “No, Thank You”

Once you have your list and are ready to start talking to your friends, be prepared.

You might be surprised to hear “No” from someone you thought for sure would say an enthusiastic “Yes!”

There really are a lot of things your friend will have to do if she’s part of your court, and there may be a lot of different reasons why she says no. Maybe it’s money, or the dance rehearsals will be too much, or maybe she’s just shy, but you didn’t realize it before now.

It is OK to ask once—just one time—“Do you mind if I ask why you want to say no?”

No matter what the answer is—even if it’s just a shrug, or “I can’t explain why” or “I just don’t want to”—give her a hug and then let it go.

Honest friends are sometimes few and far between, so be grateful—very grateful—that you have a friend who’s willing to be honest with you up front!


How to Choose Your Damas: 8 Steps

8. Most Important Tip: Keep Your Cool!

The absolute best thing you can do to make dama selection go as smoothly as it possibly can is to keep your cool!

  • Bite your tongue as much as you need to so that you don’t get defensive with your family or any friends who tell you no. (This is where that little notebook works like a charm.)
  • Before you say anything to anybody, write it down.
  • If conversations start to heat up, ask to take a break, then walk away and get to writing.

The reason this matters so much is that the #1 sign that you’re a real Quinceanera—a young woman who’s really ready to take her place in the adult world—is the ability to keep your cool!

To read all about how to go about asking your friend to be in your court, click here for Dama Selection 102: How to Ask


For the very best collection of great ideas for planning your Quinceanera & adapting to circumstances that may have delayed your big day, Click HERE or on the image below for Q by DaVinci blog:

Q by DaVinci

The post How to Choose Your Damas: 8 Steps first appeared on Q By DaVinci Blog.

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Boyfriend, Guy Friend or Family: How to Choose your Quinceanera Escort Tue, 11 May 2021 08:40:07 +0000 When it comes to your Quinceanera, one of the most important is...

The post Boyfriend, Guy Friend or Family: How to Choose your Quinceanera Escort first appeared on Q By DaVinci Blog.

When it comes to your Quinceanera, one of the most important is Boyfriend, Guy Friend or Family How to Choose your Quinceanera Escort —  it’s not always easy!

Of all the things you need to plan for and decisions you have to make, choosing your escort for your big day can be both fun and challenging.

Your head chambelane is not “just the guy who escorts you down the aisle.” He’ll have a lot of responsibility and will have to shoulder some stress of his own.

There are quite a few options—your brother, your boyfriend, maybe your best male friend from school or church or another group.

Let’s take a look at the pro’s and con’s of each type of escort and see if we can help make your decision a little easier.

How to Choose your Quinceanera Escort

Number One Factor: Trust!

Before you go too far with deciding who you want as your escort, think about who you can trust. Your escort will be in the spotlight with you throughout a very exciting but also very long and very hectic day.

The job of head chambelan demands maturity, and the more mature your choice is, the easier it will be to trust him.

He’s also going to have to be willing to tolerate some of the more spotlight-oriented activities — practicing your dances and posing for photos. A trustworthy, mature escort can actually help you feel more confident. One who’s not as dependable can make your day more stressful.

You’ll be center stage all day and so will he, so who should you choose for your head escort? Hmmm, let’s see…


How to Choose your Quinceanera Escort:

Who do I ask?

Guy Friend:

A guy who is a really good friend to you can be a great choice. What better way to make sure you have loads of fun no matter how awkward the situation becomes?

He’ll pamper you and put your priorities before everything else because that’s what friends do. Your best guy friend understands you completely and will support you.

Still, consider his love interest (or interests) before you ask him to be your head chambelan. You don’t wnt to cause a rift between couples.

One option: If he has a girlfriend, and she’s OK with him being your head escort, why not ask her to be one of your damas?


If your boyfriend has a responsible side—works hard at school, or maybe holds a part-time job—consider asking him. Especially if he’s respectful to teachers and to your parents, you can trust him with all the responsibilities a head chambelan is supposed to perform.

Also, just imagine you and your boyfriend all dressed up in church! That might make the bond between you even stronger.

Having your boyfriend as your escort can also make your Quinceanera particularly memorable. This is true especially if you two really feel something for each other.

Brother or Cousin:

If there’s any male you know who truly understands the importance of your Quinceanera, it’ll be a guy in your family.

Opting to have one of your male relatives as head chambelan will also save you from most, if not all, of the unexpected embarrassments. You also won’t have to take any extra efforts in convincing him or spend a little money on his attire.

The only downside is if you don’t get along with any family members in particular. But there’s probably at least one male relative who’ll do just about anything for you simply because “you’re family.”


How to Choose your Quinceanera Escort

Weighing the Options

The biggest factor is that you need a guy who will take your dream as seriously as you do. If he can not—or will not—take the role seriously, you might need to consider asking someone else.

Your choice of escort is one thing you don’t have to compromise on. You deserve to have the very best companion who will make you feel safe and special and maybe even prettier than you already are.

Don’t compromise on your Quinceanera escort! It’s your day, and you deserve an escort who will do things your way—at least just this once.

Do the very best you can with planning, including choosing a good head chambelane. That way you’ll give yourself possibly the best memory of your first 15 years.

Qualities to look for in a Quineanera escort:

  • He should like dressing up at least a little bit.
  • He should have an easy smile especially for people and also for the camera.
  • He should have a reputation for being punctual (this is super-important for dance rehearsals).
  • He should know how to carry himself in dress clothes and not slouch or insist on an untucked shirt or what have you.
  • He should have at least a bit of physical strength so he can support you during the dances and help carry you around if that’s part of the choreography.
  • Bonus if he has excellent table manners, but at least make sure he knows the basics.
  • He needs to be willing and able to ignore any of his buddies who might try to make fun of him for doing all the little things necessary to help you shine.


How to Choose your Quinceanera Escort

A Few Last Tips

  • Ask friends and family for advice on who to choose.
  • Make a list of possible guys, then compare what you know about him to our list above on qualities to look for.
  • If you’re particularly popular, you may have more than one guy who wants the job. That can make things really interesting, so if you’re in that position, see if you can rank each guy according to how many qualifications he meets.
  • Even if you choose a relative who you know will understand a Quinceanera without needing a crash course, have a face to face meeting. Let him know your plans for the day and ask for his full cooperation.
  • Let you first choice say no and if he does, thank him and then move on (this is why you need a list!).
  • Let him know what you want for attire, so there won’t be any surprises.
  • Pay attention to how he treats you during the meeting when you invite him to be your escort. If he isn’t respectful, or if he laughs inappropriately, or does anything to make you feel uncomfortable—move on to your next choice.


Last Point:

If you end up having a family member who your parents select for you, don’t automatically think it’ll be boring.

Sometimes parents see qualities in guys that you might miss because let’s face it:

Male family members may make a point to purposely goof off in front of female relatives for the very same reason they goof off with their buddies. It all has to do with “saving face” and looking macho.

Choosing the right escort isn’t necessarily easy, but just like the rest of your Quinceanera planning responsibilities, it can still be fun.


For a guide to the essential duties of your court of honor—which you can show to your head escort prospects to see if they’re cool with the plan—this is a great resource. Click HERE or on the image below to read Corte de Honor: Selecting Your Damas and Chambelanes:


For more Quinceanera traditions, planning, and, of course, beautiful Quinceanera dresses, Click HERE or on the image below for Q by DaVinci’s blog:

The post Boyfriend, Guy Friend or Family: How to Choose your Quinceanera Escort first appeared on Q By DaVinci Blog.

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How to Overcome Surprise Dance Stage Fright Thu, 03 Nov 2016 18:22:39 +0000 Your big day is just around the corner, and there are a...

The post How to Overcome Surprise Dance Stage Fright first appeared on Q By DaVinci Blog.

Your big day is just around the corner, and there are a ton of considerations. A modern Quinceanera is a mix of old and new, so you may still have the lovely meaningful Mass, then the fun rituals like changing your shoes and the Last Doll and of course, dancing with your dad. But these days, the highlight of your Quince reception is your surprise dance. But what can you do to make it truly fabulous? It’s actually pretty easy. If you do one thing and do it really, really well, you can totally overcome Surprise Dance Stage Fright and rock your Quinceanera world!

Your Baile Sorpresa will come after your fairytale waltz and dancing with your dad. This is good because it’ll get you used to being in front of the crowd. For one or both of those, you can use traditional waltz music or go with something a little more contemporary. In any case, they’re pretty much straightforward, and you don’t have to worry because if it comes down to it, you do not have to have your entire court do the waltz—just you and your escort.

The Baile Sorpresa is another story. It’ll take more thought, planning, and work, but it’s worth it for this wildly entertaining way to top off your showcase dances. Here’s the one key to pulling it off:

Own It!

Yep. That’s all. Own it, girl!

OK, so this may be easier said than done. But the Quinceanera is rooted in dance, and your guests are there to support you, not judge you. Still terrified? In a way, that’s good. Not only is it absolutely normal, but being a little bit afraid can make you work all the harder! Here’s what you need to do to build your confidence so that you totally own the dance:


How to Overcome Surprise Dance Stage Fright

  • Choose a choreographer you really like

What’s most important, even more than the complexity of your Quince routine itself, is that your choreographer knows how to dance and knows how to teach others some basic moves.

He or she also has to be able to interpret what you want as far as the style and mood of your dance. If you’ve started working with someone, but you’re just not clicking—even if it’s a pro—switch to someone else before it’s too late in the game.

  • Ask for some private ballroom lessons before you start Quince rehearsals

See if your folks will get you a few private ballroom dance lessons—not just group lessons— before you start working on your Quince routine with your court. You’ll learn some couple’s dance basics—for instance, what a “frame” is, how to keep your shoulders down, and how to move with a partner. Even if you go to dance class already, if it’s not ballroom dance, get some specialized lessons so that you’ll be ahead of your court when you start group practices.

Tip: This may be the easiest way to find the perfect choreographer! If you like your private teacher, hire him!


How to Overcome Surprise Dance Stage Fright

  • You choose the songs

Never mind what anybody else thinks What music do you like best? What songs make you want to dance? Yes, you want your music choices to entertain your guests, so keep your crowd in mind on two counts:

First, if your family is really pulled in, make sure you tone down your music and your routine a little bit. Otherwise, have fun doing whatever you want.

Second—and this is crucial—be aware of the length of the surprise dance. You want enough time to show off what you’ve learned, but you don’t want to go on so long that the crowd gets restless.

  • You choose the routine

Your surprise dance should not be a last-minute “group vote.” Do enough homework to know what style you want—or styles, if you want to do a mix—then stick with it. You can make the routine more complicated if you and/or your group can handle it. Put in an extra turn here, some fancy footwork there—there are lots of ways to take it up a notch.

If you can dance better than your court, then ask your choreographer to make your steps the “fancy ones” and give your court a simplified version. If you need to keep it simple for you, then let it be simple for everybody. But stick to the routine that you decided on ahead of time, then let your choreographer each everybody else and adjust the difficulty as necessary.


How to Overcome Surprise Dance Stage Fright

  • Don’t make the routine longer than you’re comfortable with

If you’re a really, really good dancer already, or if you turn out to be after some lessons, you still don’t want the surprise dance routine to go longer than 5-6 minutes. But if you get nervous after a few minutes, or you feel like you can’t remember the steps, cut it down to 3 or 4 minutes tops.

Confidence-boosting tip: Have you ever noticed that all of those ultra-fancy Dancing With the Stars routines are only 1-½  to 2 minutes long? And they’re impressive, aren’t they? But they’re also short. If you want to wow the crowd with something DWTS-worthy, work out a routine starting with just you and your escort, then bring in the rest of your court to finish with easier moves.

  • Impress yourself, not your audience

Even though you want your dance to be unforgettable, remember that it’s better to do a simple routine really, really well than to have a complicated dance with too much room for mistakes. You do not want to look at your video and cringe. Find a routine that makes you feel good about you. Then practice until you feel like you could do it in your sleep.


How to Overcome Surprise Dance Stage Fright

  • Surround yourself with people who make you feel comfortable

You don’t necessarily have to do a surprise dance with your entire court. There’s no reason why you can’t pare down the dance personnel. Here are some perfectly acceptable dance partner combinations:

  1. You and your escort alone
  2. You, your escort and another male member of your court or a male friend
  3. You and just your chambelanes
  4. You and just your damas

If you really want to keep it super-simple, and your dad is on board, you can do your father-daughter slow dance, then switch gears and go into a rehearsed duet. Then you’ll be able to practice as much as you want and need to with the one man who loves you most—your father.

  • Make sure your outfit fits

You’ve all seen videos of Quinceaneras and weddings and other fancy parties where the lady of honor stops and tugs up her strapless dress. Not too appealing, is it? This is not something you want to be doing during your surprise dance. The last thing you need is a wardrobe malfunction, or to feel like you have to tug and pull on what you’re wearing to get it back into place.

Choose something that you like, feel comfortable in, and can move around and dance in without ever—not even one time—wanting to tug at, or tuck in, or pull up any part of your outfit.

  • Learn to cover your mistakes

This is where a good dance teacher or choreographer is invaluable. Get someone to coach you in not saying “oops” or “sorry” or worse, coming to a dead stop if you make a mistake. A good dance teacher can also show you how to recover from a misstep so here’s maybe the weirdest tip of all:

  • Practice making mistakes!

Just a few. Just enough so you’ll know what to do if your shoe slips on the floor or how to recover if you turn left instead of turning right. Learn how to keep a straight face—a smiling face!—in the face of disaster. Then if something does go wrong on your big night, you won’t make a big deal out of it.

And if you don’t make a big deal, no one in your group will either, and your audience probably won’t even know anything went wrong!


How to Overcome Surprise Dance Stage Fright

  • Last tip: Be Just a Little Bit “Selfish”


This is your day, your dance, and as much as you want to be gracious and include other people, when it comes to your surprise dance, it is perfectly OK to be a little “selfish.” We mean be selfish as in, make choices that make you feel good about yourself. When it comes to others and having to make compromises, make sure that your confidence is protected first.

That way, when you get out there on the dance floor, you’ll be dancing for you first—doing the very best that you know how to do—and having fun because you’ll know that you’ve done everything you possibly can to… Own it!

For some great ideas for fusing your favorite styles, check out our blog Fusion Rocks:


Find everything you need to plan your perfect Quinceanera on our website—our dresses, our blog—everything! Click HERE or on the image below for Q by DaVinci & get started!

Q by DaVinci Designer Quinceanera Gowns & Dresses

The post How to Overcome Surprise Dance Stage Fright first appeared on Q By DaVinci Blog.

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10 Ways Chores Make You a Better Quinceanera Thu, 20 Oct 2016 16:33:09 +0000 Are you the type of girl who cringes just a little bit...

The post 10 Ways Chores Make You a Better Quinceanera first appeared on Q By DaVinci Blog.

Are you the type of girl who cringes just a little bit when somebody says, “It’s good for you”? Well, we’ve got good news and bad news. The bad news is that this blog is all about those things that are “good for you” that might not be so much fun: Chores. But the good news is that learning to deal with everything involved in getting those chores done will serve you well both in the future and also right now as you deal with all the complicated details involved with planning your Quinceanera! So let’s take a look at the benefits of chores that will make you a better Quinceanera and a better woman.

1. Respect for Authority: Of course, you’re already respectful to your parents, else they probably wouldn’t let you have a Quinceanera! But your Quince puts extra demands on you, both from your family and from your Church. If your parish has asked you to attend some meetings or a retreat or participate in some kind of community or parish service, consider those expectations to be “positive chores.”

And not to jump the gun, but one day you’ll probably get married. If you want to marry in the Church, they’ll require certain things of you in preparation for your wedding. So if you can handle your Quinceanera Church Chores gracefully, just think how easy it’ll be a few years from now to be a gracious bride!

2. Taking Responsibility for Yourself: We should really call this is being responsible to yourself. Yes, you’re obligated to clean up after yourself, but when you accept responsibility for your minor messes, you’re actually practicing to be responsible for your actions when it comes to your place in your larger world.

3. Experience Consequences: You already know that not doing homework can risk your grades and that talking back to your folks usually results in some kind of punishment. Nobody is perfect, but the more you try to finish the chores assigned to you—and still keep your grades up and everything else you’re involved in—the less harsh those consequences will be.


Learning to do the chores assigned to you in the timeframe in which you’re expected to do them right now may well save you being written up for being late to work or losing a promotion—or maybe even losing your job—by not getting things done on time or not getting them done as correctly as possible.

4. Personal Accountability: While you’re living at home, if you build the habit of keeping your personal space in order—and can learn to do it without your parents reminding you all the time—you’ll have a lot easier time of it when you live in a dorm, a shared apartment, or an open workspace on the job.

You’ll probably run into some situations when your brother or sister makes a mess in your personal space or your area of responsibility. No, it’s not fair, but it happens. To short-circuit a family feud, ask your parents ahead of time how they want you to handle things.

They may ask you to clean up anyway if it’s “community stuff” like newspapers or somebody else’s laundry that just needs to be thrown in the hamper. But if your siblings leave their personal things lying around in an area you’re supposed to keep clean, ask if maybe you can take their things and put them respectfully by their bedroom door or in some other designated place.

Figuring out how to deal with family members who make a mess in your personal space at home will make it a lot easier to negotiate a tidy space with a roommate or coworker.

5.  Prioritize and Organize: Probably the last thing you want to add to your schedule is chores around the house. Whether you really want to earn that A+ and need more time to study, or just want the chance to sit in front of the TV for a little while and do your nails, chores can seem to get in the way.


One trick is to sit down with your folks and ask them when exactly each week they want you to do which task including what day if possible. Some chores will be more flexible than others. Also, ask them which tasks take priority over others. For instance, it’s probably more important to have clean laundry than to tidy up the family room, so ask them if you can put laundry higher on the list. Then make sure you put your chores on the schedule before downtime so that you can really enjoy your downtime!

6. Learn to Work with Schedules and Deadlines: There’s actually a trick to making sure you get your chores done—use a weekly planner! If you already have one for school assignments, pencil your chores into the schedule. A weekly planner that has daily time slots is even better.

Let’s hope you never try to have this much on your plate every single day, but if you learn to use the planner and put everything down—homework, chores, band or sports practice, piano lessons or babysitting the neighbor’s kids, volunteering at the library and a little bit of fun with your friends—in the order in which each needs to get done, it’ll be easier to make it all happen.

Sure, once in a while you’ll get stuck with a chore that you have to do right before you go to bed instead of watching even a ½ hour of your favorite show, but with the timeline, you won’t cheat yourself out of fun nearly as often.

7. Sensitivity to Others: There are a couple of fundamental reasons why learning to be sensitive to others helps you in the world. First, any chores you’re given that have to do with cleaning are important because exposure to germs is dangerous and can cause disease. That’s why your folks may be a little finicky regarding how you clean the bathroom or the kitchen counters and sink. Second, in the work world, you’re bound to run across people who are a little picky even when you don’t think they need to be. If you’ve practiced handling different personalities at home, it’ll be easier for you on the job.

Here’s a perk you might not have thought of: Learning to handle the different personalities of your damas and chambelanes is a perfect example of cultivating sensitivity to others. If you’ve figured out how to manage different personalities at home, dealing with your court of honor—and later with your coworkers—will be a piece of cake!

8. Pride in your Work: It’s actually good for your spirit to look at a clean bathroom sink or a neatly folded pile of laundry and pat yourself on the back for getting it done. Lots of chores will seem insignificant, but in the workplace, a lot of details will seem just as trivial. If you can learn now to take pride in the little things, then something as small as keeping your desk tidy at work will feel satisfying.

9. Money Management: By the time your Quinceanera rolls around, you may either have been babysitting or helping out a neighbor in order to earn a little money. Working outside the house has already taught you that if you don’t show up for work, you don’t get paid. But you also have to learn to fit the chores your folks ask of you into your money-earning schedule.

This might be easier if you’re getting an allowance that’s based either wholly or in part on whether you get your chores done. But either way, you’ll need to figure out how to schedule whatever you need to do in order to have a little cash in your pocket.

10. Practice Reigning in your Emotions: Admit it. Sometimes even when you know for sure your parents’ request is reasonable, having to do a chore is going to tick you off. There’s nothing wrong with you. It’s just human nature. But keeping your temper in check is one of the best tools you can develop to help you survive in the world.  

A Note of Encouragement:

You don’t have to act like a Pollyanna, thinking you always have to grin like an idiot through everything. Practice cultivating a “serious, studious look” that’s the same as if you’re concentrating on a problem at school. Then on days when it’s really bad, you don’t necessarily have to smile, but you won’t frown at everybody either.

If someone in your family walks by, shoot them a quick smile then get back to work. If they ask, “Why are you so quiet?” you can just say—with all honesty—“I’m thinking about a project for school” or something to that effect. Besides, isn’t there always some type of project for school?!

In the workplace, it can be the same way. You may feel stuck doing some task that feels unbelievably menial and that threatens to put you in a permanent bad mood. But if you’ve practiced the “serious student look” you can use that at work. And again if someone asks, you can say something like, “I’m just really absorbed in this task.”

It works like a charm almost every time!

For a little advice on handling all the different personalities in your Quinceanera court, check out our blog on dealing with Dama Drama:

The post 10 Ways Chores Make You a Better Quinceanera first appeared on Q By DaVinci Blog.

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Baile Sopresa 102: Fusion Rocks! Thu, 29 Sep 2016 12:58:27 +0000 The best way to make your surprise dance a real crowd pleaser...

The post Baile Sopresa 102: Fusion Rocks! first appeared on Q By DaVinci Blog.

The best way to make your surprise dance a real crowd pleaser is to create a combination, and there are only 2 things you need to do to make that happen! We scouted around for the best fusion examples out there, plus a compilation video to help you choose what you like. Just click on the YouTube link for each one to see the dance and the choreography and see what you might want to do to wow your crowd.

1. Pick Your Favorite Steps

To get a sense of which styles of dance steps you like best, check out this amazing compilation video. It cycles through eight different classic Quinceanera dance moves! You’re bound to find a combo you like:

  • Pop
  • Salsa
  • Cumbia Texana
  • Volados
  • Bachata
  • Tango
  • Rock ‘n Roll
  • Hip-Hop

2. Create a Great Fusion

Once you get an idea of what you want, you can mix it up. Here are some very simple combinations:

Fusion #1: Start with a Solo

Face it, girl—if you’re a good dancer, then dance! This is your chance to shine so go for it. Open with a solo then bring in your troupe. Nothin’ wrong with that!

One note: As a general rule, a 7-minute surprise dance like this one is a little long. But if you can hold the crowd’s attention with variations like this Quinceanera and her court, go for it.

Fusion#2: Hip-hop & Swag

Fusion #3: Bachata & Merengue

Fusion #4: Add your Dad!

Fusion #6: Move it with your Mom!

Fusion #7: Waltz, bachata & line dance

Fusion #8: Simple steps plus plenty of fun!

It is perfectly fine if you’re not much of a dancer. You can still have a lot of fun with your friends!

Dance On, Girl!

These are just a few of the combos you can put together for a killer surprise dance. So pick your court, choose your style, then ask your choreographer to create something unique that’s perfect for you.

The post Baile Sopresa 102: Fusion Rocks! first appeared on Q By DaVinci Blog.

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Baile Sopresa 101: Yes, You Can Dance! Thu, 15 Sep 2016 21:53:22 +0000 It doesn’t matter if you’re the first one on the dance floor...

The post Baile Sopresa 101: Yes, You Can Dance! first appeared on Q By DaVinci Blog.

It doesn’t matter if you’re the first one on the dance floor at a party or if the thought of dancing in front of an audience scares you silly. Your Quinceanera surprise dance can still be the most fun you’ll have at your reception. We’ve got tips and tricks and great ideas to help you create a killer baile sopresa that will wow your guests. Here are 2 easy tips and 8 great suggestions to help you create an awesome surprise dance.

Part One: 5 Tips for a Great Presentation

1. Choose your Quinceanera Choreographer Carefully

The right choreographer can make anybody look great. Even if you have three left feet, with a good routine, you can easily master the steps. Do a little research and interview at least 3 dance pros. You want to find one who will listen to your ideas, alleviate your fears, assess the talent of your group, and make everyone in your court look good.

2. Make the Song Meaningful

What song out there sparks your heart and makes you want to move your feet? What have you always wanted to learn to dance to? Ask your dance pro to create a mix that will let you lose yourself in the steps and the music. You and your court having a good time is what will really entertain your crowd.

Tip: Choose no more than 3 songs, and unless you have your dance class in your court and can keep the energy going, limit the performance to 3 ½ to 4 minutes.

3. Coordinate the Outfits with the Choreography

Costumes make all the difference. Obviously, you won’t want a long dress for hip-hop, but you also don’t want tattered blue jean shorts for a sexy bachata. Ask your dance pro for some suggestions, then follow this one super important rule:

Make sure the outfit fits! You do not want to be pulling up your strapless top or tugging down your short skirt!

Tip: We know it’s popular to dance in sneakers, but if you want to look really sharp, wear amateur ballroom dance shoes.

Closed toe dance shoe:

Classic medium heel salsa:

For a flat shoe, you still want something with a little more style than a sneaker:

4. Practice, practice, practice

Your guests really will be looking forward to your surprise dance, and while they don’t expect a Dancing With the Stars level performance, you don’t want to make them cringe, either. We don’t have to tell you how uncomfortable it makes an audience to watch a performance where half of the dancers are a step or more behind the others, or turn the wrong direction and crash into each other.

You’ll also have the video of your dance to watch over and over, and while a mistake or two can be charming if handled well, you don’t want to cringe every time you watch your video. You and your group really do need to practice with the goal of doing it perfectly.

So first, make sure that everyone in your court can make all the practices and only miss one if they’re sick or something else disastrous happens.  Second, you need to make a real commitment to the practice schedule yourself. After all, just like the devotion you show at your Quinceanera Mass and the time you take to write a good speech, working hard to make your surprise dance as good as it can be is another way for you to show your family and friends that you’re taking your new young adult status seriously!

5. Always Remember: A Few Mistakes are Charming!

Most of the time, your crowd won’t even know if you skipped a step, just as long as you don’t freeze up and just stand there. Practice making a show of looking charmingly confused, then catch up when you can and carry on.

Hint: We’re not kidding when we say that you can make a total mind freeze look like part of the planned routine. Just ask your pro for some things you can do—maybe a pose to strike if you get lost.

Part Two: Fusion Makes a Baile Sopresa Great

The best way to make your surprise dance a real crowd pleaser is to create a combination. We scouted around for the best fusion examples out there. Just click on the YouTube link for each one to see the dance and the choreography and see what you might want to do to wow your crowd.

To get a sense of which styles of dance steps you like best, check out this amazing compilation video. It cycles through eight different classic Quinceanera dance moves! You’re bound to find a combo you like:

  • Pop
  • Salsa
  • Cumbia Texana
  • Volados
  • Bachata
  • Tango
  • Rock ‘n Roll
  • Hip-Hop

Once you get an idea of what you want, you can mix it up. Here are some very simple combinations:

Fusion #1: Start with a Solo

Face it, girl—if you’re a good dancer, then dance! This is your chance to shine so go for it. Open with a solo then bring in your troupe. Nothin’ wrong with that!

One note: As a general rule, a 7-minute surprise dance like this one is a little long. But if you can hold the crowd’s attention with variations like this Quinceanera and her court, go for it.

Fusion#2: Hip-hop & Swag

Fusion #3: Bachata & Merengue

Fusion #4: Add your Dad!

Fusion #6: Move it with your Mom!

Fusion #7: Waltz, bachata & line dance

Fusion #8: Simple steps plus plenty of fun!

It is perfectly fine if you’re not much of a dancer. You can still have a lot of fun with your friends!

Dance On, Girl!

These are just a few of the combos you can put together for a killer surprise dance. So pick your court, choose your style, then ask your choreographer to create something unique that’s perfect for you.

The post Baile Sopresa 101: Yes, You Can Dance! first appeared on Q By DaVinci Blog.

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Your 2016 Quinceanera Reception Guide: 5 Steps to Fabulous Music Wed, 24 Aug 2016 20:07:14 +0000 You’ve booked the best caterer, hired the most talented Quinceanera event planner,...

The post Your 2016 Quinceanera Reception Guide: 5 Steps to Fabulous Music first appeared on Q By DaVinci Blog.

You’ve booked the best caterer, hired the most talented Quinceanera event planner, and your favorite Padrino will make the perfect MC. For sure, yours will be the party of the year! Except there’s still one thing missing: The music. You can nail down every other detail to perfection, but if your music doesn’t rock, your Quinceanera reception will fall flat. But not to worry. We’ve got you covered because, in only 5 little steps, you can line up the best of the best performers—from your entrance to the exit of your very last guest—and turn your “nice little party” into one memorable bash.

So let’s get going! Here’s our easy to follow guide to help you plan the best music for the best Quinceanera of 2016:

  • Choose the Mood of Your Celebration

What’s your reception theme? Other than dance music for the big party—which should consist of popular numbers that entice your guests onto the dance floor—what “flavor” do you want to have for the other music? For instance, if you’re having a Beauty & the Beast theme, maybe you’ll want to play different songs from the movie for your entrance and cake cutting.

For the dance music, though, you can choose whichever artist you like best and play those tunes to get people dancing. Maybe there’s a popular local band or a great DJ, or you want to book that awesome mariachi band you heard at a friend’s Quinceanera last year.

And while it’s polite to consider other people’s suggestions—and to respect the wishes of your family—always remember that, at the end of the day, it’s your Quinceanera, so the music you choose should say something about you personally.

  • Match the Music to the Program

Not all Quinceaneras are the same, but unless you’re gong totally against tradition, there will be some program elements that live performers won’t be able to play. Also, different parts of the evening call for different music. For instance, you’ll want quiet background music for dinner and probably a particular song or two for Quinceanera rituals like the toasts, cake cutting, changing of the shoes, etc. Whether you choose a band or a DJ, or something else entirely, always remember to factor in the other music that’ll be needed at various times that evening.

Tip: Check out this link for the timeline of a traditional Quinceanera so you can get an idea of what should happen and when.

  • Narrow Down Your Choices

There are, of course, distinct advantages and disadvantages to each of the different types of music people you can hire for your Quinceanera, so let’s look at the 4 most common choices:

  • DJ

DJs are great because they can provide literally all styles of music due to the nearly limitless number of songs available on the computer. From jazz to Justin Bieber, hip-hop to ballroom, as long as the DJ can find it, he can play it. However, DJs don’t have as much “star power” as compared to a live act, unless they’re unusually gifted. They also may be limited when it comes to variations on popular songs unless they either do a pre-mixed set or can mix it up right then and there.

But the biggest plus to a really good DJ is that he or she will make one terrific MC and will know how to get your crowd dancing and will know when to play slow songs to give them a break. The other perk to a DJ is that the equipment doesn’t take up much space, so if you have a smaller guest list and therefore a smaller venue, a DJ may be a better option than a band.

  • Band

Bands bring a unique flavor to the festivities because they’re live. There’s nothing quite like watching musicians perform, and the music itself has a much different quality, even if the band plays the song exactly like on the recording. Some groups have an extensive repertoire and can take requests which will be a real treat for your guests. Others may need to stick to the genre they specialize in and might not have enough up their sleeve song-wise to accommodate much in the way of requests. Don’t let that deter you, though. If you can afford a good live band, even for a set or two, it’ll add a lot to your party. Just make sure your venue has enough room for the musicians.

  • Mariachi

There’s nothing that will add an extra flavor to the festivities of a Quinceanera quite like a mariachi band. They’ll perform Latin American music like nobody else can, and will add a spin to contemporary music that’s like nothing you’ve heard before. Just the sight of the band in its traditional costumes makes your entire Quinceanera look like it was professionally planned!

Do keep in mind, though, that if the majority of your guests are younger, the novelty of a mariachi band might wear off unless they find that type of music to be particularly appealing. You might need to provide something else for people to dance to, and you’ll definitely need to give the players a break. So if you’re seriously considering mariachi, also plan for either a DJ or a good sound system so you can play popular dance tunes from your iPod.

  • Acoustic or a Capella (unaccompanied)

Acoustic groups—also referred to as “unplugged”—can be ideal for the opening of your reception as guests are gathering and then also during dinnertime when you want a little background music as everyone enjoys their meal and conversation. A capella groups are singers who use no accompaniment—good examples being barbershop quartets and unaccompanied high school glee clubs. Both types of groups are usually crowd pleasers for the older set, but a glee club-type group can keep the attention of younger guests.

These two groups are much like mariachi bands when it comes to planning: Make sure you have a mix. Just as you would supplement a mariachi band with a DJ or iPod tunes, plan to do the same for acoustic and a capella musicians. And do note that there is an exception to the rule of always supplementing mariachi or acoustic or a capella with recorded music: If you’re planning to have a simple cake and punch reception and no dancing, you can use these types of musicians exclusively.

Tip: It’s super easy to find entertainers near you. Go to and enter your location, then type in the kind of entertainment you want by name—DJ, band, mariachi, acoustic, a capella, etc. Gigsalad will call up links for you, so all you have to do is just click on which entertainer you want to check out!

  • Calculate the Cost

Rates for Quinceanera entertainment vary wildly depending on the type of music and the popularity of the group or DJ. This is where Gigsalad comes in handy because you can browse to your heart’s content and ask for quotes from every group that interests you.

If you’re looking for an average, though, consider somewhere around $100 to $150 per hour for a DJ. For live bands, according to, you’ll pay anywhere from $1,100 to $2,200 for a 4-hour set, and that cost is based on the number of players.

For a mariachi group, plan on $250 to $600 per hour (depending on the number of players) and there’s usually a 2-hour minimum. This is a good link for more information:

And as always, if you need to watch your budget, but you want a touch of something special, choose one of these live groups to play for the minimum time, then supplement with a DJ. And you can supplement a DJ with your own iPod music! Trust us: With careful planning, you can use an iPod very effectively for everything including your dance music! It just takes time and creativity to gather the playlists.

  • How to Find & Hire Quinceanera DJs & Live Musicians

If you don’t have a particular band or DJ in mind, it pays to ask for recommendations from your sister Quinceaneras who have celebrated before you. Ask friends and family if they know of any reliable contacts, and then see if you can get to their Soundcloud or Youtube accounts so you can hear the music yourself. Don’t get excited about a band that claims “we can play anything and everything” until you hear them and trust that they can play everything, and play it well. Have a list of specific songs ready so you can ask right away if that music is either already in their repertoire, or if they think they can confidently master it in time for your party.

One last tip:

Finalizing the music for your Quinceanera does come with some pretty serious considerations, but don’t let that take the fun out of planning your big day. Trust us when we say that, even if you end up with just your trusty iPod, you’ll have a lot of fun checking everybody out!

The post Your 2016 Quinceanera Reception Guide: 5 Steps to Fabulous Music first appeared on Q By DaVinci Blog.

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Your Guide to the Best Quinceanera Gift Ever Thu, 14 Jul 2016 03:10:45 +0000 So you’ve been invited to a Quinceanera birthday party? We guarantee you’ll...

The post Your Guide to the Best Quinceanera Gift Ever first appeared on Q By DaVinci Blog.

So you’ve been invited to a Quinceanera birthday party? We guarantee you’ll have a lot of fun! But you’ll also probably be a bit anxious trying to decide what kind of gift to give the celebrant. It’s not every day that someone you know turns fifteen in this particularly fabulous way.

The birthday girl will most likely receive her traditional Quinceanera gifts from her family. But some of the most meaningful she’ll receive—and the ones that just may make her think yours is a totally cool gift—are gifts that are personalized in a unique way.

To help you out, we’ve put together a list of the trendsetting gift ideas for 2016 plus some handy tips to help you zero in on and personalize the perfect Quinceanera present!

Gifts That Every Quinceanera Will Love

While every Quinceanera girl is different, there are a few perennial favorites. Knowing this makes it easier to narrow down your choices for a gift and gives you a cheat sheet for picking a present that’s sure to be loved and appreciated.

  • Gift Certificates

Giving gift certificates or gift cards to a Quinceanera is pretty much perfect. First, you can settle the gift issue with almost no hassle because you only need to decide which store to buy the certificate from. Some gift cards are even good at multiple locations!

Second, the Quinceanera can choose what she likes based on the dollar amount of the gift certificate. Some girls will buy two or three smaller things rather than one pricier item, or perhaps save the gift card until there’s a big sale. Some popular gift certificate options include a nearby department store, her favorite beauty salon, an Amazon gift card, etc. Some girls even have favorite restaurants that they’d be thrilled to go to but otherwise couldn’t afford.

Check with her parents for ideas as to which kind of gift card she’d like best.

Tip: You can buy gift cards online that come in a decorative box. Amazon sells quite a few, and this one in a little white heart-shaped box would be perfect.

  • Pampering Kit or Basket

The coming of age passage that is the Quinceanera can also justify a present that’s all about pampering, something young ladies should be aware of to keep themselves looking and feeling good.

A pampering kit or basket can come in different categories. You can put together a bath kit that includes an assortment of indulgent bath soaps, shower gels, and fizzy bombs. A makeup kit is also a great option, as long as you choose colors and makeup items that will help the Quinceanera look lovely but still youthful. If she’s fond of nail art, then a basket of the latest nail polish colors in her favorite brand will be treasured, especially if coupled with nail and hand products for days when she wants to indulge in an at-home spa day.

  • Tickets to a Show or an Event

If there’s a particular concert or event that you know the Quinceanera wishes to attend, why not present her with tickets to it? Take note of tickets—plural—and give an extra ticket or two so she can bring a friend along. If these come out a little more expensive that you originally budgeted, it’s always a good idea to split the cost with others, so you can get to give her something she really wants without breaking the bank.

Tip: If the birthday girl totally adores going to the movies, get her a Fandango gift card. You can even personalize it with a photo if you want.|pcrid|72551638464|pkw|fandango%20gift%20card|pmt|e&gclid=CLGWz-r2680CFQckhgodb2kGtw#cardsStrip

A Set of Something She Likes or Something She Does

Whether it’s a leather-bound edition of her favorite author’s works, a posh calligraphy set, or a small collection of baking supplies, if it’s something the Quinceanera loves, go for it! Ask her parents and friends what her hobbies are, and also ask them for suggestions on what to buy. If it’s a particular craft, ask for tips regarding brands that she prefers or supplies that she’s running low on or would appreciate trying for the first time.

Handy Tips for Choosing the Perfect Gift

The suggestions mentioned above will help make the decision a whole lot easier. Once that’s done, you can spend some time making the gift extra special and useful.

  • Ask What She’s Currently Into: Double check with her parents, siblings or friends regarding her current likes and dislikes. No matter how much you spend, if it’s something she’s already moved on from then your gift won’t get the attention it deserves.
  • Pool your Pennies: Consider merging your budget with others to give a bigger and better gift. Most Quinceaneras would prefer getting fewer but better gifts than a lot of little things that she doesn’t really need or particularly want. While it’s still the thought that counts, it’s a lot more practical to chip in for that ceramic curling iron she’s been eyeing instead of those budget-friendly floral wind chimes.
  • Make it Meaningful: Be sure she understands the meaning behind your gift. Whether you’re getting her a gift card or a lovely new laptop bag, make sure to add a little note that explains why she’s getting that particular gift from you. Say that you know how much she loves a particular store, so you’re happy to sponsor a new dress or jacket. Tell her how proud you are of how hard she works in school and how that new laptop bag will keep her things organized and protected. Doing this makes the gift all the more meaningful.
  • Include a Note: Take time to write a heartfelt letter. Use this as an opportunity not just to tell her how lovely she is, but also to dispense a bit of sound advice that’s sure to help her navigate this new season. Focus on one particular aspect, such as family life, studies, or boys, rather than a full-blown letter of advice about every aspect of her life!
  • Steer Clear of “Stuff”: Forget trinkets that might only gather dust. Most Quinceaneras are not particularly fond of ceramic figurines, cross-stitched wall decoration, or any other gift that’s out of the interest range of a fifteen-year-old. At this age, she’ll clearly know what she likes and doesn’t like. Skip the décor section of the department store, then for good measure, have a friend or same-age cousin of hers tag along to help you choose a gift that she’ll really appreciate.

A Quinceanera has many things to look forward to, not just on this particularly significant birthday celebration, but also in the years that follow soon after. Whether your gift will make her happy for a week, a month, or two years after she receives it, you’ll feel good about having given her something that she will put to good use!

The post Your Guide to the Best Quinceanera Gift Ever first appeared on Q By DaVinci Blog.

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Your Quinceanera Speech: A Foolproof Guide Sat, 25 Jun 2016 00:09:09 +0000 There are so many exciting things to plan when it comes to...

The post Your Quinceanera Speech: A Foolproof Guide first appeared on Q By DaVinci Blog.

There are so many exciting things to plan when it comes to your Quinceanera. There’s choosing a dress, tasting the food, creating favors for your guests… But one of the more serious but necessary tasks is writing your Quinceanera speech.

“Why should I give a speech in the first place?”

You should give a speech because it’s an important part of the celebration. While it can be tempting to skip this portion—effectively saving you the task of writing a short essay—your speech is your opportunity to thank the many people who helped make your Quinceanera possible. You’ll also be sharing your first thoughts as a young adult being welcomed into society. Sure, there’s some pressure, but all you really need is a simple but foolproof guide that will help you craft that all-important Quince speech. So read on and get started!

The Two Essential Objectives: Gratitude and Reflection

There are two basic parts of any Quinceanera speech. One is to say thank you to your parents and guests for the party. The second is to share your personal thoughts about the meaning behind the celebration.

Step 1: Open with a General Greeting

This is (to risk a little irreverence) a no-brainer. Just say something like this:

Hi, may I have everyone’s attention please?” Then say, “Good afternoon” or “Good evening.”

Step 2: Thank Your Guests  

Thank everyone for their presence and for their help with your fairytale party:

I’d like to take this opportunity to tell you all how grateful and happy I am that you’re here tonight. Thank you for coming to my Quinceanera. Thank you for taking the time to be with me here tonight, especially those who had to travel a long way. There are also some who were not able to come, and so they are with us in our thoughts and in spirit. Thank you, to all of you.

Step 3: Thank your VIPs

Now you want to get specific. Thank the people who played a significant role in making this celebration possible:

I also want to say thank you to my padrinos, who have helped contribute to the celebration of my Quinceanera. I am touched by your generosity and your desire to make this dream of mine come true. I would like to thank my Quinceanera court, all of whom are near and dear to me. Thank you for your dedication in attending the dance practices. I am honored to be in the company of people whom I am proud to call my friends.”

Step 4: Thank your Parents

These are the two people who brought you into the world and raised you to be the wonderful lady you now are. Consider something like this:

And of course, to my Papa and Mama, thank you for everything you do for me. My Quinceanera is a testament to your love, and I am very grateful to you for making this celebration possible. You are the best parents I could ever imagine having, and I am proud to be your daughter.”

Step 5: Reflect on being a Quinceanera

Share your thoughts about being a Quinceanera. Tell your guests how this milestone has made you feel, and what changes in your life are now taking place. Perhaps something like this:

To me, this Quinceanera isn’t just a beautiful dress and a wonderful party with all of you. It’s an extra special day that I get to share with the people who are most important to me, who have gathered together to warmly welcome me into the world of young adulthood. This new season of my life is important because I get to put into practice—through my words and actions—the lessons that my parents and other elders have taught me. I am grateful for all the guidance I’ve received in my fifteen years, and will continue to receive the rest of my life. I am humbled to be taught by—and loved by—these very special people.”

Step 6: Conclusion

Say your last general thank you, and then proceed with the next part of the celebration. Be simple and straightforward:

Once again, thank you everyone! I hope you are enjoying this night as much as I am. Now, on with the festivities! Hit the music, please—we all want to dance!

That’s all there is to it. You’ll make some changes along the way, especially if you have particular people you want to thank or you want to add some extra details. Also, don’t fixate on our six steps. Ours are just a jumping off point to get you started writing.

Some Final Tips

  • Read your work aloud to yourself. This is the best way to imagine how it will sound when you finally give it on the day of your Quinceanera.
  • Edit as you see fit. Your first draft will definitely not be your final one, because there’s always room for revision. Keep editing until you’re happy with it.
  • Have someone else look at it. Show your draft to someone who can correctly edit your copy for coherence, flow, and grammatical errors. Your English teacher is a good candidate for this task!
  • Read your final draft aloud and time it. Ideally, it should only be about two minutes long. Anything more than that is too much, especially since everyone wants to continue with the party.
  • Try to memorize as much as you can. While there’s no rule banning you from having a copy to read, it’s better to memorize the speech so you’ll look more natural. If you need to, prepare a small index card with an outline to refer to from time to time.
  • Don’t be afraid to improvise. If inspiration strikes in the middle of your speech, take the plunge—as long as it won’t exceed your two-minute limit. You might suddenly think of someone you want to thank specifically, or share an anecdote or two about your childhood that relates to your Quinceanera.

The post Your Quinceanera Speech: A Foolproof Guide first appeared on Q By DaVinci Blog.

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Music & Song for the Best Quinceanera Ever! Wed, 01 Jun 2016 01:40:48 +0000 Putting together a Quinceanera music playlist involves much more than just making...

The post Music & Song for the Best Quinceanera Ever! first appeared on Q By DaVinci Blog.

Putting together a Quinceanera music playlist involves much more than just making a list of your favorite songs. There’s always room for your top tracks, but keep in mind other kinds of music for different parts of the ceremony and the reception program. Here’s pretty much everything you need to know when it comes to song and music selections that will make for perfect ear candy for your Quinceanera, start to finish!

 Identify Music Requirements for Each Part of the Program

Having a gazillion Taio Cruz songs on your MP3 player isn’t going to cut it when you’re trying to fill four hours at your Quinceanera. The first thing you need to do is to break down the evening’s program and identify where you need songs or background music, then choose the best song for each section.

Music Suggestions from Beginning to End

1. Guests’ Arrival: You’ll want something unobtrusive, but that clearly sets the mood for the night’s festivities. A combination of classics and modern works well. Turned down low, the catchy vibe of Carly Rae Jepsen’s “Call Me Maybe” followed by Prince Royce’s “Corazon Sin Cara” can set a party vibe. Just don’t ramp up into livelier music too fast. You want the music to help everyone gradually move into the serious partying that’s to come.

2. Quinceanera Entrance: Once everyone’s settled in, change the music for the emcee to introduce the star of the night: You! While you want to have something you really like, try to make it relevant to an introduction. Something catchy like “Hello” by Martin Solveig and Dragonette is bubbly and bright, while “Balada Para Adelina” adds a touch of culture.

3. Quinceanera Toast: This should be an instrumental, soft and light, so all eyes and ears can focus on those giving the toast. Frank Pourcel’s “Blue Danube” is a good choice.

4. Quinceanera Dinner: Everyone will be focused on food and socializing, so just like the arrival music, dinner music should be interesting yet unobtrusive. Play some smooth jazz, classical, and maybe a few lovely Latin American songs. Think about what would please your guests, both young and old, and hold back on the catchier tunes. You want your guests to enjoy the dinner and not have to shout over the music to be heard.

5. Quinceanera Ceremonies: This section calls for similar music as the Quinceanera toast, just not the exact same song. If you want something more contemporary, you could use Christina Aguilera’s “I Turn to You” or Boleros de Anyer’s “Mi Nina Bonita.”

6. Father-Daughter Dance: This is usually considered the most moving part of the night, so the father-daughter dance song should be something your dad can easily follow. Guaranteed tearjerkers are “Butterfly Kisses” by Bob Carlisle and Luther Van Dross’ “Dance With My Father.” However, if your dad can dance—really dance—go all out and let him pick the wildest tune he wants!

7. Dance of the Court: All eyes will be on you and your damas and chambelanes as you take the floor for your choreographed song. For this part, use whatever you and your coordinator or choreographer chose. Don’t limit it to one song though, if you want to have a two-dance performance with a traditional Latin American dance then something more contemporary. You might like Pitbull’s “Give Me Everything” as your modern choice, or something in the same mood.

8. Cake Cutting: There’s nothing better than the totally corny traditional “Happy Birthday” song, but put a spin on it if you want by spicing it up with a Mexican version, or something else festive and memorable.

9. Party Time:  Remember that MP3 playlist? The one with Ne-Yo, Usher, and Lady Gaga? Now’s the time! Just don’t forget to throw in a slower tune every 4 or 5 songs to give everybody a breather

Most of this music will be played by a DJ, so make sure you forward the list to him weeks (yes, weeks) before your Quince day. If you’re considering a band, double check that they can play the number of sets you’ll need. Keep in mind that a live band is usually more expensive than a DJ because the rate will have to be divided across all the members of the group. Therefore, if budget is a concern, then you could still have a live band but limit them to a set or two then rely on a disco mobile to provide  music for the rest of the night.

To Mariachi or Not to Mariachi

Ever popular is the Mariachi band and having one will add a distinctly Latin American touch to your Quinceanera. They can play during the different parts of the night such as the arrival, the dinner, Quinceanera ceremonies, and possibly during the first part of the dancing. Just give them time to rest in between sets—and don’t forget to feed them!

Whatever choices you make, your music should reflect your personal style and your own interpretation of what your Quinceanera means to you. Ask your friends, family members, your hired DJ and your live band for more help filling your night with the perfect Quinceanera music!

The post Music & Song for the Best Quinceanera Ever! first appeared on Q By DaVinci Blog.

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