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Your Guide to the Best Quinceanera Gift Ever

So you’ve been invited to a Quinceanera birthday party? We guarantee you’ll have a lot of fun! But you’ll also probably be a bit anxious trying to decide what kind of gift to give the celebrant. It’s not every day that someone you know turns fifteen in this particularly fabulous way.

The birthday girl will most likely receive her traditional Quinceanera gifts from her family. But some of the most meaningful she’ll receive—and the ones that just may make her think yours is a totally cool gift—are gifts that are personalized in a unique way.

To help you out, we’ve put together a list of the trendsetting gift ideas for 2016 plus some handy tips to help you zero in on and personalize the perfect Quinceanera present!

Gifts That Every Quinceanera Will Love

While every Quinceanera girl is different, there are a few perennial favorites. Knowing this makes it easier to narrow down your choices for a gift and gives you a cheat sheet for picking a present that’s sure to be loved and appreciated.

  • Gift Certificates

Giving gift certificates or gift cards to a Quinceanera is pretty much perfect. First, you can settle the gift issue with almost no hassle because you only need to decide which store to buy the certificate from. Some gift cards are even good at multiple locations!

Second, the Quinceanera can choose what she likes based on the dollar amount of the gift certificate. Some girls will buy two or three smaller things rather than one pricier item, or perhaps save the gift card until there’s a big sale. Some popular gift certificate options include a nearby department store, her favorite beauty salon, an Amazon gift card, etc. Some girls even have favorite restaurants that they’d be thrilled to go to but otherwise couldn’t afford.

Check with her parents for ideas as to which kind of gift card she’d like best.

Tip: You can buy gift cards online that come in a decorative box. Amazon sells quite a few, and this one in a little white heart-shaped box would be perfect.


  • Pampering Kit or Basket

The coming of age passage that is the Quinceanera can also justify a present that’s all about pampering, something young ladies should be aware of to keep themselves looking and feeling good.

A pampering kit or basket can come in different categories. You can put together a bath kit that includes an assortment of indulgent bath soaps, shower gels, and fizzy bombs. A makeup kit is also a great option, as long as you choose colors and makeup items that will help the Quinceanera look lovely but still youthful. If she’s fond of nail art, then a basket of the latest nail polish colors in her favorite brand will be treasured, especially if coupled with nail and hand products for days when she wants to indulge in an at-home spa day.

  • Tickets to a Show or an Event

If there’s a particular concert or event that you know the Quinceanera wishes to attend, why not present her with tickets to it? Take note of tickets—plural—and give an extra ticket or two so she can bring a friend along. If these come out a little more expensive that you originally budgeted, it’s always a good idea to split the cost with others, so you can get to give her something she really wants without breaking the bank.

Tip: If the birthday girl totally adores going to the movies, get her a Fandango gift card. You can even personalize it with a photo if you want.


A Set of Something She Likes or Something She Does

Whether it’s a leather-bound edition of her favorite author’s works, a posh calligraphy set, or a small collection of baking supplies, if it’s something the Quinceanera loves, go for it! Ask her parents and friends what her hobbies are, and also ask them for suggestions on what to buy. If it’s a particular craft, ask for tips regarding brands that she prefers or supplies that she’s running low on or would appreciate trying for the first time.

Handy Tips for Choosing the Perfect Gift

The suggestions mentioned above will help make the decision a whole lot easier. Once that’s done, you can spend some time making the gift extra special and useful.

  • Ask What She’s Currently Into: Double check with her parents, siblings or friends regarding her current likes and dislikes. No matter how much you spend, if it’s something she’s already moved on from then your gift won’t get the attention it deserves.
  • Pool your Pennies: Consider merging your budget with others to give a bigger and better gift. Most Quinceaneras would prefer getting fewer but better gifts than a lot of little things that she doesn’t really need or particularly want. While it’s still the thought that counts, it’s a lot more practical to chip in for that ceramic curling iron she’s been eyeing instead of those budget-friendly floral wind chimes.
  • Make it Meaningful: Be sure she understands the meaning behind your gift. Whether you’re getting her a gift card or a lovely new laptop bag, make sure to add a little note that explains why she’s getting that particular gift from you. Say that you know how much she loves a particular store, so you’re happy to sponsor a new dress or jacket. Tell her how proud you are of how hard she works in school and how that new laptop bag will keep her things organized and protected. Doing this makes the gift all the more meaningful.
  • Include a Note: Take time to write a heartfelt letter. Use this as an opportunity not just to tell her how lovely she is, but also to dispense a bit of sound advice that’s sure to help her navigate this new season. Focus on one particular aspect, such as family life, studies, or boys, rather than a full-blown letter of advice about every aspect of her life!
  • Steer Clear of “Stuff”: Forget trinkets that might only gather dust. Most Quinceaneras are not particularly fond of ceramic figurines, cross-stitched wall decoration, or any other gift that’s out of the interest range of a fifteen-year-old. At this age, she’ll clearly know what she likes and doesn’t like. Skip the décor section of the department store, then for good measure, have a friend or same-age cousin of hers tag along to help you choose a gift that she’ll really appreciate.

A Quinceanera has many things to look forward to, not just on this particularly significant birthday celebration, but also in the years that follow soon after. Whether your gift will make her happy for a week, a month, or two years after she receives it, you’ll feel good about having given her something that she will put to good use!