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How to Solve the Top 5 Quinceanera Complications

OK, so you’re almost 15, and you’ve been fretting over your Quinceañera for close to a year now. But as you know, while a Quinceañera is not unlike a Sweet 16 or debutante’s party, its historical and traditional roots make it much more significant. That’s why Quinceanera problems are tricky, but with a little help from your family, even your most complicated problem can be solved!

You want the best party ever. You want the best people to attend. You want the best food, the best music, the best venue, and, of course, you want the best dress. Yep, you want it all. However, you also want to be practical. So what are the most common complications that you, as a Quinceañera, can and will encounter? Read on:

  • Parents Piggy Bank vs. Padrinos

First and foremost, consider this: Money. (And trust us, if you don’t consider it, your parents will!) Cost, expense, investment—call it what you will. But the fact remains that a party, especially a Quinceañera, costs money.

It’s been calculated that a modern-day Latina can expect to shell out a cool $15,000 for her Quinceañera. Do you think that amount is mind-boggling? Well, here’s a splash of cold water for you: This isn’t even close to the “typical” cost of a 300-400 guest event. One insider shared that her family affair cost $50,000!

For this reason, a Padrino (if female, a Padrina) is not such a farfetched idea. The Padrino is typically a relative or a close friend. It’s considered a great honor to be asked to be a Padrino and help with the cost of the Quinceañera. Therefore there is no shame whatsoever in asking for help because this coming-of-age celebration is an important event and is, literally, once in a lifetime.

You might wonder if there’s a limit to the number of patrons a celebrant can have. The quick answer is no. Friends and family are usually very involved in a Quinceañera, so there could be dozens of sponsors to make sure the celebration is beautiful, elegant, and one for the books.

One of the best things about Padrinos is the fact that they are publicly thanked during the celebration, whatever their contribution. For example, an aunt who offers to take care of the Quinceañera table decorations is called the madrina de decoraciones, or the “godmother of decorations.” How much more charming could it get?

  • Walking vs. Wheels

Traditional Quinceañeras saw the celebrant walking to the church and then to the reception area with live music, often a mariachi band, leading the way. In modern celebrations where the Mass and the reception could be miles apart, walking isn’t an option. These days you may need to find some kind of transportation.

But, before going any further, remember that limousines cost money. Please make sure that you’re certain of your venues before booking limo services and other suppliers. The closer the venues are to each other, the better. It’s easier for you and for everyone else because you can all focus on the party rather than how to get there. And that is the point, right? An awesome party!

  • One Dress or Two?

A traditional Quinceañera used to involve only one dress. But many celebrants are now opting to have grander celebrations. Before there was only the waltz. Now there’s salsa, polka, and maybe even a march! If you’re looking to have an over-the-top celebration, want to have an outfit for each type of dance, and if you plan six totally unrelated dances, then ask yourself this: Do you really want to pay for six different dresses and/or outfits!

But here’s great news: You can totally solve this problem by buying one bodice and 2—or 3 or 4—different skirts from Q by DaVinci’s Mix & Match line! They’re so affordable that you could even get 2 bodices if you want.

Check them out here: http://www.qbydavinci.com/mixandmatch/

What Else?

So far, the problems associated with your Quinceañera have involved money. However, there are lots of other considerations. For one, there’s the fact that a Quinceañera is rooted in tradition.

  • Traditional vs. Contemporary

In many families, it’s not just the parents, but also the aunts, uncles, and distant relatives who expect tradition to be honored. Since your Quinceañera is about you—but not 100% exclusively about you—what they have to say must be respected to some degree.

If you’re planning on deviating too far from the usual, please make sure to consult the powers that be. And especially important when it comes to tradition is your court of honor. Seventeen magazine notes that not including a particular cousin could spell disaster! So sit down with your family and agree on the number of people in your court beforehand. This includes whether you’ll have an equal number of guys and gals and exactly whom your family expects the court to include.

Changing it up without pre-approval and snubbing a relative just isn’t worth the emotional and relationship cost.

  • DIY vs. Professional Help

An event of this size is no laughing matter. Even a guest list of only 75-100 takes a lot of work. If you, your family and friends, and everyone else who is involved start to crack under the pressure—and your Quince is still three months away—then it may be time to hire some outside help.

Event coordinators exist for a reason. The industry has ballooned in recent years because the demand for outsiders to help handle events is tremendous. Think about it: A full package with a venue, and flowers, and decorations, and invitations, and coordinating dance practices, and which hair stylist and makeup artist will do it right, and every other little detail—it just might be too much. If you want some professional assistance but don’t want to be in debt the rest of your life, there is a happy medium: An on-the-day coordinator.

This person will make sure you don’t have to deal with unexpected problems on the big day because he or she will run interference for you. And trust us, events of this size can and will produce totally unexpected problems! Locating lost suppliers, finding missing drinkware, calling the head chambelane who’s running late, never mind whom to pay and when—all of this can be delegated to a professional who will be more than willing to take the punches for you—for a fee.

However, with your Quinceañera fast approaching, that fee might just be worth serving chicken instead of steak, or substituting lovely DIY favors rather than the pricey commercial trinkets originally planned on. Check your priorities, know the cost of everything, and never be afraid—let alone ashamed—to ask for help.

That tiara, beautiful as it may be, just might look a little sad if the girl wearing it is beyond stressed out on one of the most important days of her life.

Now, after all of that, we guarantee this:

Your Quinceañera is going to be awesome. Claim it! Believe it. But prepare for it, too. Take our tips to heart, leave no stone unturned, and be very, very conscious of details—especially the price tag that comes with each item. Also, look at it this way:

All that detail-mindedness is part of the fun on your road to becoming a full-fledged woman of modern society.